От издателя This unique candid documentary has Mr Joe Bataan himself telling all first hand on his life and musical story It is the first time he's done this and it feels like an honor You listen to his goаьъюфlden voice while he shows you his city and describes his life: From the early 50's as a teenage rumbler all the way through his acclaimed twenty-first-century comeback In between: Latino soul Brother Numero Uno of the 60's, boogaloo madness, the Fania Yearss Huge hблгмнit Rap-O Clap-O recorded in 1979 when rap first erupted He's a NYC musical icon, respected man, and gentle man, as you will see Also 40 minutos calientes from the SOB show and some other surprises Some of the material included is not in top-rate audiovisual condition but it is perfectly round in historical, soulful essence Please, enjoy you selves! Дополнительные материалы Bonus: Английский Dolby Digital 20 Хронометраж: 41 минут Rap-O-Clap Clips Discography "A day wбсгюдith Joe Bataan" Live in Spain' 05 Biography Актер Джо Батан (Исполнитель) Joe Bataan.