John Keats died aged just twenty-five, leaving behind some of the most exquisite and moving verse and love letters ever written, inspired by his great love for his neighbour, Fanny Brawne Although they knew eаьчотach other for just a few short years and spent a great deal of that time apart - separated by Keats's worsening illness, which forced a move abroad - Keats wrote again and again about and to his love, right until his very last poem, called simply "To Fanny" блбдпShe in turn would wear the ring he had given her until her death "So Bright and Delicate" contains the love poems and correspondence composed by Keats in the heat of his passion, and is a dazzling display of a talent cruelly cut short Формат: 12,5 см х 19,5 см Автор Джон Китс John Keats Родился 31 октября 1795 года в Лондоне Первые поэтические опыты относятся к 1814 году В 1816 году - первая публикация, а через год - первый поэтический сборник "Стихотворенияqбсгжю" В 1817 году начинает и завершает поэму "Эндимион", в 1818 году поэма .